iMonk, R.I.P.

I just found out that Michael Spencer, better known as iMonk, has died. You may recall that back in December, I mentioned his Catholic radio experiment, where he listened to EWTN Radio for an entire day, and then reported on what he felt were its strengths and weaknesses. His approach was so obviously charitable, and… Continue reading iMonk, R.I.P.

Abp. Chaput Responds

A couple days ago, I sent this e-mail to Abp. Chaput, which I posted yesterday. That afternoon, he responded with a pretty fantastic e-mail of his own. Hopefully, he won’t mind my posting it: Dear Joseph, Thanks for your kind email. Regarding the second point in your email, I’m not sure what I said off… Continue reading Abp. Chaput Responds

Ireland Next Week!

So today is my birthday, and next week is Spring Break… probably the last Spring Break of my life. Meanwhile, my friend James “Roger” Losey just got his Masters in Physics, and looks like the paper he was working on with his professor might get published. (Warning: it’s incredibly boring, but wonderfully nerdy). Anyways, the… Continue reading Ireland Next Week!

March for Life Today!

At March for Life today. It’s a great experience, so come if you can make it! I’ve got a post set to auto-post later today- otherwise, I’ll be back Monday!


Chris sees my “In the late 60s, dissident theologian Charles Curran lead a revolt against Humane Vitae, and was largely successful in the US: how many birth control homilies have you heard?” …and raises me, “I’ve heard Fr. Andrew (as in your co-blogger) blasting birth control from the pulpit a few times now at Prince… Continue reading Touché!

Blog Worth Keeping an Eye on For Reading Fans

You may remember my friend Carlos Olea as the guy who loaned me his laptop indefinitely in October when I lost first my laptop, and then my girlfriend’s (although in my semi-defense, hers was stolen, not strictly lost). Anyways, two cool developments: He got a new laptop for Christmas, and told me I could keep… Continue reading Blog Worth Keeping an Eye on For Reading Fans

Happy Thanksgiving!

Wishing everyone a great Thanksgiving. It’s a wonderful time for friends, family, fun, and food, and to remember all of the gifts which God has given, a reflection particularly important in this time of economic hardship.

National Catholic Reporter’s “Young Voices”: An Exercise in Dissent

In its continued assault on the Catholic Church, the National Catholic Reporter has published yet another hateful piece in its “Young Voices” section (it’s the third bullet point below). If you’re not familiar, Young Voices is the worst part of NCR’s editorial section. It’s staffed by four young people: Nicole Sotelo, Kate Childs Graham, Mike… Continue reading National Catholic Reporter’s “Young Voices”: An Exercise in Dissent