Once Saved, Always Saved, Twice Around

DJ AMDG had more questions and commentary on my post on OSAS (once saved, always saved), the (usually) Calvinist doctrine that you can’t “lose your salvation.” He’s in red, and my responses are in black: Joe, on Hebrews I don’t think anybody asserts that 3:14 means that. I could be wrong, and perhaps a Catholic… Continue reading Once Saved, Always Saved, Twice Around

Rabbi Waskow on Ends v. Means

On the flip side, the same rabbi I criticized for his crazy abortion double-speak in my last post, Rabbi Arthur Waskow, has a surprisingly lucid and thoroughly convincing argument about the ends v. means debate. On this point, at least, we’re in total agreement, and I was shocked by the tactics he described both of… Continue reading Rabbi Waskow on Ends v. Means

More Crazy Abortion Double-Speak

The Chicago Tribune “reports” in an online op-ed which boldly asks, “Is murder inevitable consequence of abortion debate?,” a question which is as thorough with its history (ignoring that the last time an abortionist was killed prior to Tiller, Monica Lewinsky was still a news item), as it is with its grammar (perhaps it should… Continue reading More Crazy Abortion Double-Speak

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GotQuestions Update: A Positive Development

As part of the ongoing saga involving me communicating with GotQuestions.org about their coverage of all things (well, two things) Catholic, Shea responded to me today. If you’re not familiar with what’s gone on, here’s: My original e-mail from March, on the issue of annulments; A semi-related followup e-mail from May, on the issue of… Continue reading GotQuestions Update: A Positive Development

My response to GotQuestions

If you haven’t been following this, I’ve had an ongoing correspondence with GotQuestions.org ministry. I criticized an article they wrote on annulments (a very slightly reworked version can be found here), and later, an article they wrote on sola Scriptura (the comment here is my e-mail to them, and it included links to that post).… Continue reading My response to GotQuestions

What Would YOU Write in 138,000 Words?

I found an interesting set of statistics, and have been playing around with them a little bit. The title of the chart is, “Number of Chapters, Number of Verses in Each Chapter,Total Number of Verses, and Total Number of Words in each book of the Greek New Testament,” and it’s exactly what it sounds like.… Continue reading What Would YOU Write in 138,000 Words?

Great Obama/ND Article

http://www.politicsdaily.com/2009/05/29/obama-is-no-uncle-tom/ It’s much broader than that. But it’s really good. It’s by Elizabeth Lev, the daughter of Mary Ann Glendon.

Does 2 Plus 2 Always Equal 4? An Answer to Skeptics

Yesterday, I was at a prayer group, and one of my friends, Carlos, and I were talking almost incredulously about the sort of debates which went on in the early to middle ages of the Church. One of the major debates over Mary was this: was she conceived without sin (the majority position in both… Continue reading Does 2 Plus 2 Always Equal 4? An Answer to Skeptics