Cool Undergound Stone Churches

Catholic Eye Candy cheats a bit by including the Ethiopian Orthodox Tewahedo Church’s underground stone churches in Lalibela as Catholic art. It’s worth fudging the self-made rules, I think. If you haven’t seen pictures of them before, check them out! If you’re interested, Wikipedia’s got a good primer including a good quote from Fr. Francisco… Continue reading Cool Undergound Stone Churches

Under the Weather!

I’m not feeling very well (which is why I haven’t posted yesterday or today). It’s nothing serious, just sinuses and the works — it’s probably nerves acting up because law school starts up again on Monday. Prayers, as always, are appreciated.

Speaking of Irony…

About a day before my post on the papal encyclical’s treatment of the absurdity of scarcity myths and overpopulation fear-mongering, Newsweek ran an article called Are you Ready for $20 Per Gallon Gas? We’re told in the article, “pump prices are off from last year’s highs, but don’t expect that to last.” I mentioned in… Continue reading Speaking of Irony…

Pixar Doesn’t Make a Bad Movie

I’m just saying. Up is an awesome movie. And a wonderful antidote to the ADHD-inducing direction animation has gone in the last decade or so. There are just these incredibly long scenes where nothing is said, and beautiful classical music plays, while you watch a couple grow old together. It’s heartwarming (and at times, heart-breaking),… Continue reading Pixar Doesn’t Make a Bad Movie

Taking the week off!

I have a final today, and a final Friday, an in-depth paper due right after, and will likely have little time in between all of that to blog. Feel free to read over older posts, and after finals are over, I’ll be back in action. Reese responded to the 7 points I raised (below) with… Continue reading Taking the week off!

It’s Finals Season!

I am officially into law school finals season. Second year is definitely better than first when it comes to finals, if only because you know what you’re getting into. Of course, this is just like bracing yourself for a punch – you know what you’re getting into, but it’s still gonna hurt! So far, I’ve… Continue reading It’s Finals Season!