The Historical Case for the Resurrection

A.N. Mironov, Peace Be With You (Christ Appearing to the Apostles) (2010)

As we celebrate the Resurrection of Jesus Christ this octave, let’s talk about the case against the Resurrection. One of the most common reactions to the Resurrection is simply that the idea is ridiculous. But in fact, there’s strong HISTORICAL evidence for the truth of the Resurrection that has to be grappled with, regardless of your religious persuasion. Here’s a little bit of it.

Mary’s Foretaste of the Resurrection

Did the Virgin Mary know about the Resurrection before it happened? There’s a gap of thirty years, called the “silent years” of Jesus, in which Scripture simply doesn’t tell us what happened between Jesus’ infancy and the beginning of His public ministry. But there’s one interruption to this silence, a single event that Scripture records from… Continue reading Mary’s Foretaste of the Resurrection

Know Your Faith!: How to Make the Case for the Resurrection

This summer, I’m doing a six-part series at Mother Teresa of Calcutta Catholic Church, 2014 NW 46th St, Topeka, KS 66618, called Know Your Faith!  There are two weekly sessions: Wednesday mornings: 9:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m, or Wednesday evenings: 7:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m. Both are free, and open to the public. You don’t need to RSVP,… Continue reading Know Your Faith!: How to Make the Case for the Resurrection

The Five-Fold Argument for the Resurrection

I’ve got a piece today on Strange Notions (based upon this 2010 post) looking at five specific pieces of evidence that suggest that the Resurrection happened. Here’s a snippet: On this Good Friday, the day Christians traditionally commemorate the death of Jesus on the cross, let’s examine the evidence surrounding his death and resurrection. I’d… Continue reading The Five-Fold Argument for the Resurrection

Does the Glorified Body of Christ Have Blood?

One of the strangest beliefs that I’ve come across through this blog is the idea that the glorified Body of Jesus Christ contains Flesh and Bones, but no Blood. I first came across it in a reader comment; since then, I’ve heard this view advanced by several Protestant apologetics websites, like the popular Calvinist apologetics… Continue reading Does the Glorified Body of Christ Have Blood?

Understanding Christ’s Resurrected Body

Caravaggio, Supper at Emmaus (1601) This Sunday’s Gospel involves one of the Easter Sunday appearances of Jesus Christ to the Disciples. It starts out with the two disciples from the road to Emmaus returning to describe how “Jesus was made known to themin the breaking of bread,” an obvious Eucharistic reference. But in the midst of this… Continue reading Understanding Christ’s Resurrected Body

Steve Martin v. John Dominic Crossan

A while back, I wrote a post on the historical accuracy of Luke 2:2.  In a nutshell, some Biblical critics claim that the global census that St. Luke describes (in Lk. 2:1-2) as occurring during the reign of Herod the Great didn’t happen.  I think that Mark Shea does a great job of answering this, using… Continue reading Steve Martin v. John Dominic Crossan