Getting Morality Wrong

Rembrandt, Moses Smashing the Tablets of the Law (1659)

Frequently, morality is spoken of as something akin to the offside rule in soccer: an arbitrary rule imposed by a higher authority that keeps up from getting to do what would make us happy. But this gets morality wrong in every way.

No, the Supreme Court Didn’t Just Legalize Gay Marriage.

President Barack Obama talks with Justice Sotomayor prior to her Investiture Ceremony at the Supreme Court September 8, 2009. (Official White House Photo by Pete Souza) This official White House photograph is being made available only for publication by news organizations and/or for personal use printing by the subject(s) of the photograph. The photograph may not be manipulated in any way and may not be used in commercial or political materials, advertisements, emails, products, promotions that in any way suggests approval or endorsement of the President, the First Family, or the White House.

One of the biggest news stories this summer has been the Supreme Court’s 5-4 decision last month in Obergefell v. Hodges which both declared gay marriage legal, and a constitutional right. Given this, both fans and opponents of the ruling have spoken of it as “legalizing” gay marriage nationwide. But it hasn’t. And it hasn’t, because it can’t, because the Supreme Court doesn’t have the power to do what it claims to have done.

4 Things You Probably Have Wrong About the Hobby Lobby Decision

Today, the Supreme Court issued its decision in the Hobby Lobby case (Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc.), siding with Hobby Lobby. It was a 5-4 decision, with Justice Alito writing the opinion (Justice Kennedy, who joined the majority, also wrote a concurring opinion). The Court’s decision, holding that the HHS Mandate violates Hobby Lobby’s… Continue reading 4 Things You Probably Have Wrong About the Hobby Lobby Decision

Does the Real Presence Violate the Old Testament Law?

One of the arguments raised against the Real Presence of Christ in the Eucharist is that it violates Genesis 9:4, which forbids eating anything with the blood still in it.  So, for example, Roger Oakland makes the argument this way, in trying to explain away Christ’s Eucharistic discourse from John 6: Master of Sigena,Jesus Amongst the Doctors of… Continue reading Does the Real Presence Violate the Old Testament Law?

Does the HHS Mandate Go Further than the States’?

The Obama Administration is seeking to defend the HHS Mandate by claiming that the federal government is doing nothing more than what the states are already doing.  HHS Secretary Sebelius argued in USA Today: The 28 states, according to NARAL In choosing this exemption, we looked first at state laws already in place across the… Continue reading Does the HHS Mandate Go Further than the States’?

Cult’s Lawyer Blasts “Dirty Catholics,” “Bigoted Catholic Beasts” and “Jesuitesses”

SIST’s Cult leader, Brother Rama Behera, a.k.a Dr. R. C. Samanta Roy, a.k.a Avraham Cohen  This is one of those things you’ve got to read to believe.  Here’s the background. A corporation called Yehud Monosson USA Inc. filed for bankruptcy. Yehud’s lawyer, Rebekah Nett, missed an important 1 o’clock hearing on a motion, because the… Continue reading Cult’s Lawyer Blasts “Dirty Catholics,” “Bigoted Catholic Beasts” and “Jesuitesses”

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Should Christians Be Allowed to Adopt?

The High Court in the UK seems to have said  “no,” in a disturbing case just handed down. Paul Diamond, the attorney in the case, reports: In an important case in the United Kingdom, the High Court held this week that Christian views on sexual morality could be “inimical” to a child’s welfare.  Mr. and… Continue reading Should Christians Be Allowed to Adopt?

Why Obamacare’s Individual Mandate is Unconstitutional

My friends and I have been talking about the two court decisions which recently struck down Obamacare in full or in part, as well as an article written in the Wall Street Journal by a Georgetown Law professor on the same subject.  A federal judge in Virginia, spurred on by our state’s awesome pro-life Catholic… Continue reading Why Obamacare’s Individual Mandate is Unconstitutional

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