How the Reformation Failed

Remember that the Reformers set out to reform all of Christendom; that they ended up with countless minor factions bickering amongst themselves and against Catholicism and Eastern/Oriental Orthodoxy means that the Reformation was, at least to an extent and despite many notable successes, a failure. I. Christendom Understood Core [Capital-T] Truths Before the ReformationPrior to… Continue reading How the Reformation Failed

What’s the Biblical Evidence for the Catholic Priesthood?

First off, please join me in welcoming the newest member of the family, baby Amara, my niece! She’s adorable, well-behaved, and loves to sleep. She’s at risk of jaundice, so I’m sure she would appreciate all of your prayers. [If you’re reading this by RSS feed, there are two pictures on this post: Amara and… Continue reading What’s the Biblical Evidence for the Catholic Priesthood?