Donate to Peter’s Pence, And Cut Your Hair!

Trying to find out more about Peter’s Pence*, I looked on the relevant Vatican’s site, and came across something pretty funny: The general criterion that inspires the Peter’s Pence Collection is derived fromthe primitive Church:“The primary source of support for the Apostolic See should be in offerings freely given by Catholics throughout the whole world,… Continue reading Donate to Peter’s Pence, And Cut Your Hair!

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If the Eucharist is a Miracle, Why Can’t We See It?

The objection that the Eucharist can’t actually be the Body and Blood of Christ is frequently rooted in a pretty logical objection: if the bread and wine are actually transformed into the Eucharistic Body and Blood, why can’t we see this transformation? After all, this is a miracle, and miracles are testaments to God’s glory:… Continue reading If the Eucharist is a Miracle, Why Can’t We See It?

Is the Eucharist Real or Symbolic? Or Both!

I think that Christians who believe in the Real Presence in the Eucharist, and who believe in regenerative Baptism face an unnecessary obstacle when it comes to the “real or symbolic” debate. Namely, we don’t believe it’s “real or symbolic”; we believe it’s “real and symbolic.” The first Passover, for example, was quite real: if… Continue reading Is the Eucharist Real or Symbolic? Or Both!

Dr. Julian Simon, the Catholic Church, and “Overpopulation”

An economist from the Cato Institute by the name of Julian Simon was something of a legendary figure due to his work debunking the various overpopulation myths. He famously bet Paul Ehrlich, author of The Population Bomb, about the prices of various natural resources. Ehrlich’s theory was that as populations grew, scarcity would increase, and… Continue reading Dr. Julian Simon, the Catholic Church, and “Overpopulation”

Back-Handed Compliments from CRI Founder Dr. Walter Martin

I was reading criticisms of Catholicism by Dr. Walter R. Martin, founder of the Christian Research Institute. If you’re not familiar, CRI is the group that Hank “Bible Answer Man” Hanegraaff took over upon Martin’s death. Anyways, here’s what Martin has to say (these quotes, including emphasis and brackets, are from here; all I’ve done… Continue reading Back-Handed Compliments from CRI Founder Dr. Walter Martin

Body of St. Paul Found… In His Own Sarcophagus!

Tip of the hat to Jacob Rodman for sending this my way! If you’re not aware, yesterday was the Feast of Sts. Peter and Paul, the two men accredited with founding the Church in Rome. Last year, Pope Benedict XVI declared a Year of St. Paul to celebrate his incredible contributions to Christianity: so yesterday,… Continue reading Body of St. Paul Found… In His Own Sarcophagus!

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