The Right’s Dangerous Population Control Proponents

I’ve criticized the Left’s warped preoccupation with population control before (here, here, here, here, here, here, and here), and this particular breed of insanity is one which is generally favored by liberals.  But the Right is not without its own advocates for population control, and their ideas are no less barbaric.  If anything, they might be… Continue reading The Right’s Dangerous Population Control Proponents

“Mother” Church? “Mother” Mary?

Lots of Protestants are uneasy with the way that Catholics personify the Church as “Mother Church,” and refer to the Church as She.  They’re also uncomfortable, of course, with Catholics referring to Mary as “Mother.”  Both of these practices, however, are derived from Scripture. I. The Church Personified Now, the Church is frequently personified in Scripture.  Paul… Continue reading “Mother” Church? “Mother” Mary?

Three Quick Notes

(1) Catholic Information Center is hosting Yuval Levin from 6 PM onwards tonight as part of its monthly CIC Young Professionals Happy Hour. The name of Levin’s speech is “Beyond the Welfare State,” and CIC has issued an open invitation to “Gather the Jews,” a the Jewish counterpart to CIC Young Professionals, and is offering… Continue reading Three Quick Notes

Got a Job!

I got a job in D.C. as an attorney. It’s the job I’d been wanting, with a firm I love. I couldn’t be much more thankful! Thank you to everyone who prayed for me: it made a difference.

Ironic Beyond Belief

Wall Street Journal: “To Protest Hiring of Nonunion Help, Union Hires Nonunion Pickets“ Get this. Unions are protesting two things: that certain companies hire nonunion workers, and that the pay is low. But the union members don’t want to actually protest themselves, so they hire nonunion members to protest for them… and pay them minimum… Continue reading Ironic Beyond Belief