FOCUS’ 30 Under 30

I recently discovered that I had the honor of being selected for FOCUS’ “30 Under 30” series. If you’re not familiar, FOCUS is the Fellowship of Catholic University Students, “a national outreach that meets college students where they are and invites them into a growing relationship with Jesus Christ and the Catholic faith.” Their 30… Continue reading FOCUS’ 30 Under 30

On Retreat This Week

Every year, at the start of the spring semester, each class at Kenrick-Glennon seminary goes on a silent retreat. This means that I’ll be out of pocket this week, at Our Lady of the Snows (which is living up to its name). If you’ve already read the most recent posts, here are a few older… Continue reading On Retreat This Week

Did St. Joseph Suspect the Virgin Mary of Adultery?

Carravagio, Annunciation (1608) The Gospel at tonight’s Christmas Vigil Mass begins (Matthew 1:18-19): This is how the birth of Jesus Christ came about. When his mother Mary was betrothed to Joseph, but before they lived together, she was found with child through the Holy Spirit.   Joseph her husband, since he was a righteous man, yet unwilling to expose… Continue reading Did St. Joseph Suspect the Virgin Mary of Adultery?

Explore Evangelii Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”) With Me

Pope Francis’s new Apostolic Exhortation Evangelii Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”) was released today. I haven’t had a chance to read it all yet, but I thought I’d try something a little different today. Let’s explore the document together: I’ll begin by posting a few of the passages that jump out at me. You do the… Continue reading Explore Evangelii Gaudium (“The Joy of the Gospel”) With Me

The Council of Florence on the Pope, the Church and the Bible

The Council of Florence is one of the most exciting, and in some ways, one of the most tragic, Councils in the history of the Church. It’s one of the so-called “reunion Councils,” which seemed poised to heal the Great Schism between the Roman Catholic and Eastern Orthodox Church. The first reunion Council was the… Continue reading The Council of Florence on the Pope, the Church and the Bible

Is “The Rock” of Matthew 16:18 St. Peter? Or His Confession of Faith?

One of the most hotly-contested passages in Catholic-Protestant dialogues is the “Upon This Rock” passage in Matthew 16:18. After the Apostle Simon confesses faith in Jesus as the Messiah (the Christ), Jesus says to him “And I tell you, you are Peter, [Petros] and on this rock [petra] I will build my church, and the… Continue reading Is “The Rock” of Matthew 16:18 St. Peter? Or His Confession of Faith?

“The Immortal Sign”: The Power of the Sign of the Cross

The Sign of the Cross is rejected by most Protestants, and misunderstood by all too many Catholics. In reality, it’s one of the most powerful spiritual weapons we have, as early Christian history attests. Did you know that Christians making the Sign of the Cross lead to a massive anti-Christian persecution? Or that the early… Continue reading “The Immortal Sign”: The Power of the Sign of the Cross

Saturday, Sept. 7: Global Day Of Fasting And Prayer For Peace In Syria

Pope Francis has declared tomorrow a global day of prayer and fasting for peace in Syria, the Middle East, and throughout the world. I would encourage everyone of good will to join in, regardless of religious affiliation. The situation in Syria is very grim, and prayer and fasting are powerful spiritual tools. Here is how Pope Francis… Continue reading Saturday, Sept. 7: Global Day Of Fasting And Prayer For Peace In Syria

Waiting on the Lord: A Lesson from the Book of Judith

The Book of Judith is read altogether too rarely. Protestants don’t have it in their Bibles, and many Catholics do, but wouldn’t know it. But it illustrates, quite vividly, the importance of holding fast to God. This depiction comes from the seventh and eighth chapter of Judith, during the course of Holofernes’ campaign against the… Continue reading Waiting on the Lord: A Lesson from the Book of Judith

Hey, Hays, Kansas!

St. Paul in Athens (19th c.) I’m coming your way today! I’m giving a talk tonight on “The Digital Town Square: How Social Media is Changing the Face of Catholicism.” Here’s the description that was in the bulletin: “Joe Heschmeyer, Shameless Popery blogger and Seminarian for the Archdiocese of KC, discusses how the internet enables… Continue reading Hey, Hays, Kansas!