Demons, Playing Cards, and Telescopes

Atheistic materialism is the belief that matter is all there is: not only does God not exist, this theory argues, but there’s no spiritual realm. From a Christian perspective, this position can seem baffling: how do these atheists account for all of the evidence of miracles, or conversely, demonic possession? One answer is that they… Continue reading Demons, Playing Cards, and Telescopes

The Universal Call to Holiness: The Antidote to Clericalism

You don’t have to be a priest, nun or monk to be a Saint. We need Saints who are homemakers, construction workers, and even lawyers. Today is the feast day of St. Josemaria, Escrivá, founder of Opus Dei, and one of my favorite Saints. He helped sound a vitally important wakeup call within the Church,… Continue reading The Universal Call to Holiness: The Antidote to Clericalism

Romeward Bound!

Yesterday morning, I checked my e-mail to discover that I had been accepted by the Pontifical North American College in Rome. This means that, beginning next year, I’ll be studying theology from some of the best minds in the Church in the heart of the Church, the Eternal City. I don’t know that many details… Continue reading Romeward Bound!

What the Canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II Means for SSPX and Traditionalists

Two days ago, on Divine Mercy Sunday, Pope Francis canonized Popes John XXIII and John Paul II. For most of us Catholics, this was a time of great rejoicing. But it was not so for everyone. Critics of JPII at both extremes of the ideological spectrum (so to speak) denounced his canonization. Both his canonization,… Continue reading What the Canonization of John XXIII and John Paul II Means for SSPX and Traditionalists

The Feast of the Presentation: a Smoking Gun for Mary’s Sinlessness

Hans Memling, The Presentation in the Temple (1463) Do the Virgin Mary’s actions at the Feast of the Presentation prove or disprove her sinlessness? Here’s the passage in question (Luke 2:22-24): And when the time came for their purification according to the law of Moses, they [Joseph and Mary] brought him  [Jesus] up to Jerusalem… Continue reading The Feast of the Presentation: a Smoking Gun for Mary’s Sinlessness

The Vocation Boom Interview is Up! [FIXED]

As I mentioned earlier, I had an hour-long interview on Vocation Boom on EWTN. The first part is my vocation story, and the second part is Q&A on vocations-related questions. If that sounds interesting to you (or you just want to hear how weird my voice sounds), check out the audio below: Your browser… Continue reading The Vocation Boom Interview is Up! [FIXED]

7 Quick Takes, March for Life Edition: Why We’re Marching

Today is the annual March for Life. Here’s seven Quick Takes for why we’re marching: 1. Roe v. Wade Really was a Terrible Court Decision Abortion is talked about in emotionally-charged soundbites, and it’s easy to overlook how radical the Roe v. Wade decision actually is. A federal law legalizing abortion would be bad enough. Instead, we… Continue reading 7 Quick Takes, March for Life Edition: Why We’re Marching