4 Things The “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” Debate Reveals

America is well outside the norm on abortion. Many people assume that Western Europe has equally-extreme abortion laws, but they don’t: they actually have a great deal more restriction, particularly later in pregnancy. But it’s in the interest of pro-choice activists that Americans don’t know this. When the Susan B. Anthony List pointed out that… Continue reading 4 Things The “Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act” Debate Reveals

Why Did God Reject the Sacrifice of Cain?

“And the Lord had regard for Abel and his offering, but for Cain and his offering he had no regard” (Gen. 4:4b-5). Why does God accept the sacrifice of Abel while rejecting the sacrifice of Cain? Is it God’s arbitrary decision (as the Reformers suggested), or is there something deeper?

The Spiritual Life of the Four Temperaments

What’s your temperament? Are you someone who reacts quickly to (positive or negative) things? Or do you take a bit longer to react? And when you do react, do these reactions endure, or do they pass away quickly? Broadly speaking, our natural dispositions (our “temperaments”) tend to fall into one of four categories, and they can play a major role in our quest for holiness.

How to Evangelize (And Have Meaningful Conversations)

Do you wish that you were better at sharing your faith? No matter how good your knowledge of the truth, no matter how airtight your logical arguments, it’s important to learn both (a) the spiritual framework of evangelization, and (b) how to have conversations in an effective and meaningful way that doesn’t just alienate the… Continue reading How to Evangelize (And Have Meaningful Conversations)