Perseverance of the Saints: An Illogical Doctrine

Protestants who believe in the doctrine of “perseverance of the Saints” (that the saved can never lose their salvation) often point to 1 John 2:9 as support. There, St. John speaks of those who “went out from us, but they were not of us; for if they had been of us, they would have continued with us.” Here’s why it’s irrational to base belief in perseverance of the Saints on that verse.

Three Major Arguments Against “Assurance of Salvation”

I am frequently asked by Protestants why we Catholics don’t teach “assurance of salvation,” the belief that those who are currently saved are guaranteed ultimate salvation, no matter what. Someone cannot be temporarily saved and ultimately damned. Calvinists and many Evangelicals affirm this doctrine (under different names: assurance of salvation, perseverance of the Saints, “Once Saved,… Continue reading Three Major Arguments Against “Assurance of Salvation”