Who are the “Four Living Creatures” of Revelation?

Today’s First Reading is from Rev. 4:1-11, in which St. John presents a heavenly vision. There are many strange details, but one of the ones that has captured the imagination of Christians for the last two millennia is of the “four living creatures.” Here’s what John describes (Rev. 4:6-8): And round the throne, on each… Continue reading Who are the “Four Living Creatures” of Revelation?

Why You Can’t Have St. Augustine Without Relics

Joan Gascó, Discovery of the Body of St. Stephen (16th c.).

Catholics and Protestants alike revere St. Augustine of Hippo, whose feast day is today. But did you know that Augustine (like his mentor, St. Ambrose) claims to have been an eyewitness to several miracles wrought by the relics of the martyrs? Here’s why you can’t have Augustine without believing in relics.