I Have A Second Book Out!

I know that I just announced (now-imminent) release of my first book, Who Am I, Lord?: Finding Your Identity in Christ, but I have actually been quietly working on another book for a long time. It’s called Pope Peter: Defending the Church’s Most Distinctive Doctrine in a Time of Crisis and it’s out today. Surprise!

I’ll give you just a few details about the book right now. First of all, the original inspiration for it was a 6-part series that I did back in 2011 and 2012. Since then, a lot has happened within the Church generally, and the papacy specifically, and a lot of Christians (including many Catholics) are wondering how anyone can still take the papacy seriously. This book is my response to that question, but looking specifically at one simple question: did Jesus establish St. Peter as the first pope? If the answer is “yes,” everyone should be Catholic. If the answer is “no,” nobody should be. This book gives a lot of reasons for “yes,” and answers what I think are the best arguments for “no.”

If you’re interested, I have an interview with Chloe Langr in which we dive a lot deeper into what the book is about, and I am going to be on Catholic Answers Live for two hours this afternoon (starting in an hour: 5 pm Central). You can listen or watch at the link I just shared, or watch live over on their Facebook page. Otherwise, you’ll have to wait until tomorrow to find out more about the book!

As always, please pray for me, for the books, and for those that they will reach. A quick final note: Amazon currently has 19 books left, with more on the way. I don’t know how quickly they’ll resupply, so if you are interested, you might want to act soon!


  1. You are on fire! Congratulations! I am off to Amazon – loved the first book I am looking forward to this one!

  2. I just finished Pope Peter. As a lifelong Christian and then Catholic convert since age 29 (now many years ago), I recognize that the papacy is the foundational difference between what I have now and what I had before. I am madly in love with Jesus’ Church and I can’t thank you enough for writing this wonderful book explaining this doctrine so clearly, logically, historically and biblically. May God richly bless you and yours.

  3. Just finished this book, and what a brilliant book it is!
    It has really helped me to understand better that the Catholic Church is The Church that Jesus Christ gave us and intended it to be and with Pope Peter and his successors as the obvious leaders of His church.
    Also love how clear and concise, and in a ‘lawyer style’, you explain everything and make things easy to understand. You completely ‘trap’ those in a catch 22 situation those who are not in union with the Catholic Church. It’s brilliant!

    Thank you Joe for this book and also for all your great work explaining and defending the true faith.
    God bless.

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