Exciting News About the Catholic Answers Conference!

One of the things I was excited about in joining Catholic Answers was having an excuse to go to the annual Catholic Answers Conference. I mean, it’s in beautiful San Diego in the fall, and it’s always sounded like a great opportunity to hear great Catholic speakers, meet other on-fire Catholics, and just generally be part of something spiritually uplifting and intellectually stimulating. Since I joined CA in March, I didn’t figure that I would actually get to do anything, as it would be too short of notice (and California was still really locked-down). But it turns out they & God had other plans…

A spot opened up, and I was asked to not only attend the conference, but actually be one of the speakers! And what’s more, the theme of the conference is on identity in Christ (it’s entitled Who Do You Say That I Am?), which is my first book, Who Am I, Lord?: Finding Your Identity in Christ, is all about. In case you’re interested, the conference goes from the afternoon of Thursday, September 23rd, and ends with Sunday morning Mass on the 26th.

Plus, check this out… Tickets are already cheap for the kind of event that this is, but if you use the promo code JOE, you can actually get $30 off of your ticket. See below:

(By the way, that’s the price for the full conference, with the mixer and the banquet… if that’s still a bit rich for your blood, I totally get it, and there is a cheaper talks-only one; plus, if you’re a priest or seminarian, you get in FREE).

So what are the talks going to be about? Well, here are the other talks:

  • Did Jesus Christ Have the Beatific Vision from the Moment of his Incarnation? And Does it Really Matter?
  • How to Spot a Conterfeit Christ
  • The Miracles of Jesus: Fact or Fiction?
  • Unleashing Love- Jesus Revealing the Dignity of the Human Person
  • Who Do You Say That I Am?: What We Believe About Jesus
  • Truly Human, Fully Male: Christ the Model of Manhood in an Age of ‘Toxic Masculinity’
  • He is With Us!

And here is the blurb for my own talk, which will be on Thursday evening:

Who Does He Say That We Are? A Christological Answer to Identity Politics

From the Black Lives Matter movement to LGBTQ activism to the resurgence of white nationalism, identity politics is playing a prominent role in America today. Nor is this trend limited to the U.S. alone: the political scientist Francis Fukuyama has described identity politics as “a master concept that explains much of what is going on in global affairs.” So how should a Christian respond to this trend? Or to put the matter another way, why is a sound Christology key to a healthy sense of identity?

So please, come join if you can, and say a prayer that it goes well! Again, if you want tickets, go here, and use the code JOE for free money.


  1. I think the blog owner is all out of answers and in hiding since Pope Francine banned the Tridentine Mass.

  2. Items one and three above: had to have at least one nod to doctrinal obscurantism I guess! LOL

    As for item three: is this a joke? If it’s not the conference is.

    And do tell: what is a “white nationalist” and where are they and this “resurgence” to be found?

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