Catholic Answers Live – Tonight!

Just a short note to say that I’ll be on Catholic Answers Live tonight at 6-7 pm Central (so 4 pm on the West Coast, and 7 on the East). The topic will be “The Resurrection and the Early Church,” so please feel free to call in with your questions!

While we’re on the subject: this afternoon, I’m recording the next episode of The Catholic Podcast with Sebastian D’Amico on “The Physical Case for the Shroud of Turin.” That’ll air Monday.

Tomorrow morning, I’ll be chatting with Word on Fire’s Brandon Vogt for the “Explaining the Eucharist” course for ClaritasU. If you’re not familiar, ClaritasU helps equip Catholics with practical ways of evangelizing and defending the faith in a smart and winsome way. Open enrollment just ended in March, but you can get on the waiting list for the September classes.


Update: My original post got the topic of tonight’s Catholic Answers Live show wrong, because I forgot that we switched topics (at my own suggestion!)

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