The Science of Miracles

What happens when an atheist doctor and historian is given access to the Vatican’s Secret Archives to investigate miracle claims? Just such a thing happened in the early 2000s, and both the story behind it, and the doctor’s conclusions, are worth recounting. Her findings also refute the claims of those, like Richard Dawkins, that “miracles, by definition, violate the principles of science.”

The Immaculate Conception Isn’t (And Is) About the Birth of Christ

One of the most misunderstood doctrines is today’s feast day, the Immaculate Conception. As C. S. Lewis noted, “Immaculate Conception,” “in the mouth of an uneducated speaker always means Virgin Birth.” That popular confusion continues to this day, with Rep. Matt Gaetz (R- FL) being the most recent to publicly conflate the two. So to… Continue reading The Immaculate Conception Isn’t (And Is) About the Birth of Christ

Joe Biden, Fr. James Martin, and Denying Communion to Pro-Choice Politicians

On Sunday, Fr. Robert Morey, a priest in South Carolina, denied Communion to presidential candidate Joe Biden. It didn’t take long for Biden’s own bishop (Bishop Malooly) to criticize the priest for “politicizing the Eucharist,” and Fr. James Martin quickly attacked the priest’s actions: Besides, a priest has no idea what the state of a… Continue reading Joe Biden, Fr. James Martin, and Denying Communion to Pro-Choice Politicians

What Do We Make of “Development of Doctrine”?

On Sunday, Pope Francis canonized St. John Henry Newman (1801-1890), the Anglican priest and theologian who famously converted to Catholicism, and who ultimately became a Catholic cardinal. He’s chiefly remembered today for his sermons and his theological writings, including in particular on the topic of “development of doctrine” (a term he coined). So what is development of doctrine, and what makes it different from *changing* doctrine?

Were Early Churches Governed by Individual Bishops, or Groups of Elders? (Bullet Version)

What does Christ want the structure of the Church to look like? And what did the early Church look like? I’ve just written a thorough exploration of that question, but I know that the length (5000 words) is going to be too much for some readers, and that the sheer volume might it hard to… Continue reading Were Early Churches Governed by Individual Bishops, or Groups of Elders? (Bullet Version)

Were Early Churches Governed by Individual Bishops, or Groups of Elders?

This post is admittedly long. If you want a shorter version with just the major take-aways, try this version instead. What does Christ want the structure of the Church to look like? And what did the early Church look like? Broadly speaking, there are two camps: Catholics, Orthodox, Anglicans: Local churches were run by a… Continue reading Were Early Churches Governed by Individual Bishops, or Groups of Elders?