It’s Not Too Late to Have a Life-Changing Lent (No, Really!)

First of all, happy (slightly belated) Easter! I hope it has been an amazing experience for you, as it has been for me. If it hasn’t been, that’s okay! Yesterday, we released an episode of The Catholic Podcast that I did with Chloe Langr on “the Easter that wasn’t.” In other words, if you feel… Continue reading It’s Not Too Late to Have a Life-Changing Lent (No, Really!)

Making Your Quarantine Lenten

I’ve already pointed this out on Facebook, but this is kind of beautiful… “Quarantine” is from quadraginta (“forty days”), and it’s the basis for the word for “Lent” in Latin (Quadragesima) Old English (Quarentyne), Spanish (Cuaresma), French (Carême), and Italian (Quaresima). Are you letting your quarantine be a true Quadragesima? Maybe you’re wondering how to… Continue reading Making Your Quarantine Lenten

How Would the Culture of Death and the Culture of Life Respond to Coronavirus?

Exactly 25 years ago today, on the Feast of the Annunciation, Pope John Paul II released Evangelium Vitae, his encyclical on the Gospel of life. Why does he decide to talk about the Gospel of Life on the Annunciation? As he explains, “The one who accepted ‘Life’ in the name of all and for the… Continue reading How Would the Culture of Death and the Culture of Life Respond to Coronavirus?

Warren, Bloomberg, and Abortion Doublespeak

In the last 24 hours alone, there were two egregious examples of the dishonest doublespeak that we use in describing abortion. The first is from a CNN article by Caroline Kelly: Did you catch that? She said that the bill “would require abortion providers to work to ‘preserve the life and health’ of a fetus… Continue reading Warren, Bloomberg, and Abortion Doublespeak