The Distinctly Catholic Doctrine

Discussions between Catholics and Protestants can turn into an overwhelming “shotgun-style” approach to apologetics, jumping from one topic to another, without really getting anywhere. But there’s a better way: the one doctrine that will determine whether or not you should be Catholic.

Right Now is the Time to Fix the Liturgy

Beaux-Arts de Carcassonne - Le miracle de Bolsena - Jacques Gamelin - Joconde04400001325

I’ve been hesitant to get too involved in the “Liturgy wars” in the Church, for three major reasons: it’s a highly charged debate; some of the hotly-debate questions are objectively true or false, some are just matters of taste, and people aren’t always great about acknowledging which are which; and finally, there’s relatively little that… Continue reading Right Now is the Time to Fix the Liturgy

What Can Catholics Add to the Conversation on Race?

On Friday, I explored the question, “How Big of a Race Problem Do We Have, Exactly?” Short answer: while there isn’t a clear racial disparity in fatal police shootings, there are racial disparities in other areas (including the use of non-lethal force by the police), and there is a growing unease within the black community… Continue reading What Can Catholics Add to the Conversation on Race?

Can Receiving the Eucharist Transmit Disease?

Now that public spaces, including churches, are starting to open up again, there’s some concern and confusion about the public health implications of receiving Communion. In particular, there’s a fear that receiving from the Chalice will lead to the spread of disease. There are some big mistakes being made on both sides of the issue,… Continue reading Can Receiving the Eucharist Transmit Disease?

Pastoral Advice for the Pandemic from Pope Leo XIII

(Eingeschränkte Rechte für bestimmte redaktionelle Kunden in Deutschland. Limited rights for specific editorial clients in Germany.) Leo XIII. - Pope, Italy, (*02.02.1810-20.07.1903+) , (Vincenzo Gioacchino Pecci), Pope 1878-1903, - Portrait, - 1887 (Photo by ullstein bild via Getty Images)

What can we learn about our pandemic response from an 1884 encyclical by this guy, Pope Leo XIII?