Why I Think the Pope is Worth Defending

Yesterday, LifeSiteNews had published an article on me with the misleading title “Catholic Answers, Word on Fire author spills the beans on why he stopped defending Pope Francis,” which begins by saying that I “recently explained the moment when [I] realized that [I] could no longer defend the Francis pontificate.” I didn’t have a chance… Continue reading Why I Think the Pope is Worth Defending

Papal Scandals and Infallibility

GWB LB DIGITAL 12:35 Statements with Pope John Paul II.

“How can Catholic belief in infallibility survive Pope John Paul II’s terrible misjudgments about McCarrick, Pope Benedict’s decisions about sanctions against him, and Pope Francis’ comments not only about civil unions, but his decision to canonize John Paul II?” That’s the question that I explored in a recent piece for Our Sunday Visitor. After pointing… Continue reading Papal Scandals and Infallibility

Who are the “Four Living Creatures” of Revelation?

Today’s First Reading is from Rev. 4:1-11, in which St. John presents a heavenly vision. There are many strange details, but one of the ones that has captured the imagination of Christians for the last two millennia is of the “four living creatures.” Here’s what John describes (Rev. 4:6-8): And round the throne, on each… Continue reading Who are the “Four Living Creatures” of Revelation?

Forgotten God: A Soviet Dissident’s Warning to America

Yesterday marked election day, but Americans woke up this morning not knowing who they elected president… or what the balance of power is like in the Senate or (to a lesser extent) the House. Seemingly everyone is on edge today, since regardless of who you voted for, there’s a good chance that person lost. And… Continue reading Forgotten God: A Soviet Dissident’s Warning to America

Join Me With Matt Fradd TODAY!

I’m done a lot of interviews for my book Pope Peter, and I’ve honestly been pretty horrible about sharing them, due to a my awkwardness about self-promotion and more than a touch of old-fashioned irresponsibility. But I’m super excited to get to talk to Matt Fradd, host of Pints with Aquinas, today. I’m even more… Continue reading Join Me With Matt Fradd TODAY!

The Flatlander’s Argument Against Miracles

Why do so many supernatural things look merely natural? In a Pentecost sermon that was later published as the essay “Transposition,” C.S. Lewis posed a serious objection to the gift of “speaking in tongues,” sometimes called glossolalia. But the objection he makes (as we’ll soon see) applies to everything from miracles to love. Here’s how Lewis answered his own objection.

How Strong is “the STRONGEST Argument Against Catholicism”?

I have a new blog post up at Word on Fire, and an accompanying podcast at The Catholic Podcast, addressing the argument that Dr. Jerry Walls calls “the STRONGEST Argument Against Catholicism.” Here’s a taste from the article: The crux of Walls’ claim goes something like this: Christ establishing the papacy upon Peter is the… Continue reading How Strong is “the STRONGEST Argument Against Catholicism”?

How Should a Catholic Vote?

(Two quick notes before this post: First, I wrote this last week before the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, but I think the panic and outcry about what to do for her replacement highlights one of the points that I make in the article about the undue importance and influence of the Supreme Court… Continue reading How Should a Catholic Vote?