How important is it that all Christians operate from the exact same Bible? You may be surprised to learn that for most of Church history, the (implicit) Christian answer was “not that important.” Why was this the case? And why isn’t it the case today? Because of a major shift in how Christians approached Scripture and doctrinal orthodoxy…
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Listen In: “Where We Got the Bible”
If you missed yesterday’s Catholic Answers Live episode on where the Bible came from, it’s available for listening or downloading. As always, your feedback (questions, comments, etc.) is welcome!
The Trouble with Christian SoBs
Contemporary Christian groups are fond of producing “Statements of Belief” (SoBs) that serve as sort of imitation Creeds. That’s a bigger problem than it might seem.
Where Did the Bible Come From?
Where did the Bible come from? Why do we have these books and not, say, the Gospel of Thomas? Did the Council of Nicaea vote to determine which books made the final edition? Did the Catholic Church add seven books at the Council of Trent?
The Humiliation of Christ
As far as I know, Christianity is unique in this: we believe in a God who willingly, and regularly, humiliates Himself. Consider the worst blasphemies imaginable, and then consider how far beyond those that Jesus is willing to go.
Easter Sunday Soul Booster
Because Jesus Christ is risen today, we know that we too, shall rise from the dead. If we are to be saved, we cannot be united with God only in our souls, but in our bodies as well. Upon this point – the radical truth of Easter Sunday – rests a whole world of Catholic moral theology.
Holy Saturday Soul Booster
In my opinion, Holy Saturday is the hardest day of Holy Week to really “enter into.” Is it a day of mourning? Not exactly. A day of rejoicing? Again, not exactly. The best description I’ve heard it is that it is a day of “quiet hope.” Here are some aids to cultivate a spirit of quiet hope as we make the massive transition from Good Friday to Easter Sunday, and as we commemorate Christ’s “harrowing of hell.”
Good Friday Soul Booster
“I opened the sea before you, but you opened my side with a spear.” Today is Good Friday, the worst and best day in history. How does one enter into the incomprehensible mystery that man killed God? These aids might be a start.
Holy Thursday Soul Booster
Today is Holy Thursday, the night of the Last Supper, and therefore the anniversary of both the Eucharist and the priesthood. It’s here that Jesus celebrates the first Mass, and then commissions his disciples to do the same. And it’s here that the Passion of Christ truly begins. Here are a few resources to help as you enter into Triduum, the holiest time of year.
Spy Wednesday Soul Booster
Today is Holy Wednesday, often known in the West as “Spy Wednesday,” because it’s the day that commemorates Judas’ betrayal of Christ. And it’s a good reminder that (a) we, too, betray Jesus regularly; and (b) Jesus loves even those who betray and disown Him.