Charles Péguy Why did He come? And why did the world come into being? One must believe that I have a certain importance, I who am nothing…. How is it possible that I am not great if I’ve messed up so many things in the world, disordered so many things in the world, and such a great world, at that? If I’ve started such a tragic history? A God, God went out of His way, God sacrificed Himself for me. This is Christianity.Charles Péguy, Veronica
This was one of the Good Friday meditations for the Way of the Cross that Communion and Liberation led on the National Mall with Cardinal Wuerl this year. I thought it did a great job of capturing the heart of Christianity, and is fitting during both Lent and Easter.
I’ve also heard it said that Christianity is the only religion on planet Earth which worships a God who loves us so much, that He is willing to die for us.
You don’t see that concept in any other belief system: Either before Christianity in any of the various Roman and Greek pagan deities and beliefs, or afterward Christianity such as in Islam, or any modern “new age” mumbo-jumbo for example.
It is completely and utterly unique to Christianity.