Warren, Bloomberg, and Abortion Doublespeak

In the last 24 hours alone, there were two egregious examples of the dishonest doublespeak that we use in describing abortion. The first is from a CNN article by Caroline Kelly: Did you catch that? She said that the bill “would require abortion providers to work to ‘preserve the life and health’ of a fetus… Continue reading Warren, Bloomberg, and Abortion Doublespeak

Joe Biden, Fr. James Martin, and Denying Communion to Pro-Choice Politicians

On Sunday, Fr. Robert Morey, a priest in South Carolina, denied Communion to presidential candidate Joe Biden. It didn’t take long for Biden’s own bishop (Bishop Malooly) to criticize the priest for “politicizing the Eucharist,” and Fr. James Martin quickly attacked the priest’s actions: Besides, a priest has no idea what the state of a… Continue reading Joe Biden, Fr. James Martin, and Denying Communion to Pro-Choice Politicians

What it Means to be Pro-Family

Carl d´Unker, Gipsy Family in Prison (1864)

What does it mean to be “pro-family,” or to say that a child has a right to her mother and father? And what are the implications for the ongoing debates about immigration… as well as gay marriage, no-fault divorce, IVF, and the war on drugs?

Just What Are Men and Women, Anyway?

John William Godward, The Old, Old Story (1903)

Sometimes, the most important questions are the basic ones. Back in 2011, I argued that the most important question in the gay-marriage debate was “What is marriage?” The next year, Robert George, Ryan Anderson, and Sherif Girgis published a book exploring just that question: What Is Marriage?: Man and Woman: A Defense. But in the face of contemporary questions of transgenderism and gender identity, it turns out that we need to ask a yet more-basic question: what are men and women, and what makes them different?

Can We Be Americans AND Christians?

A recent Facebook commenter claimed that “To be a Christian American, you must believe in the separation of Church and State. The Will of God has no place in superseding a rule of law. By living a Christian Life and not judging others, we show our ability to follow in the footsteps of Christ.” Here are five reasons that’s a dangerous position to hold as either a Christian or an American.

Seven Answers to the “Pro-Lifers are just Pro-Birth” Argument

One of the most common ad hominem arguments against the pro-life movement is that pro-life people only really care about the unborn, and don’t care what happens after birth (or about the conditions into which the child will be born).

Often, this argument goes hand-in-glove with the argument that is pro-lifers really want to be pro-life, they have to support giving more money to such-and-such a social program, or hand out free condoms, or endorse some other politically-liberal policy. Other times, the argument is that pro-lifers need to personally adopt kids, or else be content to let them get aborted.

Here are seven answers to that argument.