A New Era for Shameless Popery

Last month, a reader ended an unrelated e-mail by asking me, “Is Shameless Popery dying a slow death with Catholic Answers replacing it?” And the answer is: sort of. I write regularly for Catholic Answers Magazine in both its print and online edition (for the latter, you can see all of my articles here: https://www.catholic.com/profile/joe-heschmeyer),… Continue reading A New Era for Shameless Popery

Biden v. Biden on Abortion

President Biden then: “My wife said I was the most socially conservative man she had ever known […] When it comes to issues like abortion, amnesty, and acid, I’m about as liberal as your grandmother. I don’t like the [Roe v. Wade] decision on abortion. I think it went too far. I don’t think that… Continue reading Biden v. Biden on Abortion

What if St. Thomas Aquinas Wrote a Self-Help Book?

Six weeks ago, Fr. Gregory Pine asked if I would be interested in reviewing his new book, Prudence: Choose Confidently, Live Boldly. I expressed some interest, and asked for details, and then sort of let the trail go cold. I was just finishing up a writing project, and then launched into a second one (a book I’m working… Continue reading What if St. Thomas Aquinas Wrote a Self-Help Book?

1 Question That Answers 7 of the Most Common Pro-Choice Talking Points

In response to the leaking of Justice Alito’s draft majority opinion overturning Roe, I wrote a piece for Catholic Link, and did an episode yesterday of Catholic Answers Focus: But since I’ve already started to see a whole series of terrible arguments from pro-choicers in the wake of the decision, I thought I would write… Continue reading 1 Question That Answers 7 of the Most Common Pro-Choice Talking Points

What to do when Conversion Costs

Once you’re convinced Catholicism is true, is converting really necessary? That’s the question I’m exploring today over at Catholic Answers. After all, converting to Catholicism may damage friendships and family relationships, cause tension within marriages, cost jobs (especially if one is working directly within a non-Catholic church or religious body), and in the most extreme… Continue reading What to do when Conversion Costs